Fiberlogy PCTG+CF10 Sample | 1.75mm


Key Features:

  • Chemical and heat resistance.

  • Carbon finish which hides the layers perfectly.

  • Low shrinkage and ability to use in almost any 3D printer.

  • Easy mechanical post processing of the print.


  • AUTOMOTIVE: fastening elements, component covers, vehicle interior equipment, spare parts production

  • PRODUCTION MAINTENANCE: spare parts, machine components, replacements for metal parts

  • SHORT-SERIES PRODUCTION: electronics housings, elements with complex geometry, parts and products for individual orders

Fiberlogy PCTG+CF10 filament is revolutionary combination of the versatility of PCTG and unique properties of carbon fiber (CF). The well-known PCTG filament has been enriched with 10% of carbon. This way, the material is much stiffer. Additionally, greater tensile strength in comparison with pure PCTG makes this filament a good choice for designs requiring increased strength.
For engineers and designers who need a material which combines efficiency and technical excellence, PCTG+CF filament is the answer to these requirements, which paves the way for new possibilities in 3D printing.
Another advantage of this 3D printing filament is its reduced shrinkage. This makes it perfect for precision designs, especially for models with a complex geometry. The possibility to use Fiberlogy PCTG+CF in open 3D printers additionally enhances its versatility, allowing to use in different machines.
Diameter 1.75mm
Diameter Tolerance ± 0.02mm
Oval Tolerance + 0.01mm



Print temp: 250 - 270° C

Heat bed: 90 – 110° C

Printing Speed

35 - 60 mm/s


Fan speed: 0 - 25%


masking tape, PVA glue, hairspray

Closed chamber

Not required


The material has highly abrasive properties. We recommend the use of hardened steel or ruby nozzles.

Due to the strong adhesion to the bed, it is not recommended to print directly on its surface or on glass. This can lead to damage. We recommend using a masking tape.


  • Fiberlogoy

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PCTG + CF10 Prints


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