High Performance Series – Rigid Ceramic Resin

£120.00 £99.00
Item number: 8720574293920

Key Features:

  • Reinforced with durable nanoparticle ceramics
  • A superb maximum flexural modulus of 9.5 GPa
  • A superb flexural strenght up to 170 MPa
  • Dimensionally stable under load
  • Strong chemical resistance
  • Good thermal resistance
  • Good compatibility with all SLA, DLP and LCD / MSLA 3D printers in the range of 385 – 420nm


  • Rapid industrial-grade prototyping.
  • 3D printing short-run injection molds.
  • Manufacturing fluid flow components.
  • Fabricating electrical casings.
  • Manufacturing aerodynamic test models.
FormFutura’s High Performance Rigid Ceramic resin exhibits phenomenal material stiffness and strength properties. Our Rigid Ceramic resin is reinforced with durable nanoparticle ceramics. This makes it one of the stiffest and strongest materials available on the market. A flexural modules of 9.5 GPa and a maximum flexural strength of 170 MPa can be obtained. Parts made with Rigid Ceramic Resin feature an impressive resistance to bending. Even when a significant amount of load is being applied to the 3D printed part. Next to this, the material has excellent chemical and heat resistance properties. Rigid Ceramic resin 3D prints with an incredibly high detail resolution and smooth matte finish.

Print Settings

Please see below some basic print settings for a variety of wide used printers.

Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K

First / Burn-in Layers: 2x to 4x for 70 to 75 Seconds
Normal Layers: 7 to 9 Seconds

Anycubic Photon

First / Burn-in Layers: 4x to 3x for 110 to 120 Seconds
Normal Layers: 16 to 18 Seconds
Light-off Delay: 1
Bottom Light-off Delay: 2

Anycubic Photon Mono SE

First / Burn-in Layers: 4x to 6x for 65 to 75 Seconds
Normal Layers: 6.5 to 7.5 Seconds
Lifting Distance: 8mm
Light-off Delay: 0.5
Bottom Light-off Delay: 3

Anycubic Photon Mono X 

First / Burn-in Layers: 3x to 5x for 75 to 80 Seconds
Normal Layers: 5.5 to 7 Seconds
Lifting Distance: 8mm
Light-off Delay: 1
Bottom Light-off Delay: 3
UV Power: 85 ~ 90%

*If you need the best settings for your 3d printer we highly recommend using the included RERF (Resin Exposure Range Finder) or Resin Exposure Calibration Tool.
This is most likely included with the 3d printer usb stick and or manual.


  • Shake the bottle for at least 2 minutes before each use.
  • After shaking the bottle, leave the resin to rest for 10 minutes to let air bubbles get out of the resin
  • The resin can be poured back from the vat into the bottle once your print is finished
  • Always use protective measurements like safety glasses and nitrile gloves when handling resins.


  • We do advise you to post-process your 3D print in order to achieve the material properties
  • Rinse your 3D printed object in IPA or (Bio)Ethanol for approximately 5-10 minutes
  • An ultrasonic cleaner is preferred/recommended
  • Make sure that IPA and/or (Bio)Ethanol rinsed objects are perfectly dry before further post-curing to prevent warping or cracking.
  • Place the rinsed parts in a well-ventilated area for at least 4 hours, or use pressurized air for at least 5 minutes
  • Cure your object in a high power curing chamber (like the CUREbox™ Plus) for approximately 60 minutes at 65°C
    And after that approximately 2 hours of thermal curing at 100°C. The preferred curing wavelength is between 300-410nm


Please always be aware that when 3D printing with resins that you are working with chemicals and that you should always be cautious and use the personal protective equipment as stipulated in our safety data sheets.

  • Always wear Respiratory Protection when sanding/cutting the resin object.
  • Always use nitrile gloves when handling resins and uncured resin objects.
Property Typical value Test Method
Tensile strength 70 - 85 MPa ASTM D638M
Tensile modulus 8,5 – 9,5 GPa ASTM D638M
Impact strength (IZOD notched) 18 J/m ASTM D256A
Shore Hardness 94D ASTM D2240
Elongation at break 1% ASTM D638M
Flexural strength 150 - 170 MPa ASTM D790M
Flexural modulus 8,5 - 9,5 GPa ASTM D2240
Compression strength 160 MPa ASTM D695
HDT-A (1,8 MPa) 72,0°C ISO 75-2
HDT-B (0,45MPa) 86,3°C ISO 75-2
Density ρ (solid) 1,62 g/cm3
Density ρ (Liquid) 1,52 g/cm3
Water sorption 0,59% ASTM D570-9


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  • FormFutura

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